Wednesday, August 5, 2009

highly polished

No, this isn't another entry about Ulorin Vex, just a great excuse to post a new picture I can't get out my head. There's just something about long, slick black latex gloves or leggings that makes me go "unnnh!"

Actually, this post is an announcement that I'm almost finished polishing "My Very Own Serial Number" and plan to send the first chapter off to Simon by tomorrow at latest.

For me, the easiest way to craft a story for the EMCSA is to write it in simple text (since that's the way Simon wants them submitted); edit and polish it still in simple text; and finally take a look at it in Word, changing the font to Times New Roman and using the automatic spell checker. I don't know about anyone else, but seeing my words in a slightly different format helps me spot all kinds of problems I'd otherwise miss.

Of course, seeing them on the EMCSA later, in front of that green background, highlights even *more* errors. I never catch them all. Never. :-/

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