Wednesday, June 3, 2009

You only *think* you know where this is headed

Here's another very, very early sneak peek at a story in progress. This is the one I mentioned in my Saturday blog post, the one I was mulling over while experimenting with delta binaurals and just generally relaxing under hypnosis.

I don't think I'll reveal the title just yet, because there really is more to this story than the opening paragraphs would lead you to believe; and I want you to be surprised. It's enough right now for you to know that I Have Plans. Muaaahahaha!

Amanda stared at the blinking button and bit her lip. She'd already checked the consent box, despite not having read the terms of service as thoroughly as she should have. She'd input her chosen user ID ("Mandy Barr" - Amanda was surprised to find it hadn't been taken yet and wondered if that meant she'd been clever or just too subtle) and had given a nicely anonymous e-mail address. She'd even set up a post office box in a nearby Atlanta suburb, using another false surname: Holmes.

Amanda *thought* she'd been careful enough, but she was no expert at this sort of thing. *Well,* she told herself, *it's not like I have much choice. And at least they didn't ask for my real name. Not yet, anyway.*

The button blinked cheerily at her: "Sign me up for my free three-month trial!"

"Okay," Amanda sighed, and clicked.

It was a hoary old cliché, the bright young coed paying her way through college by stripping. But at least Amanda was putting a twenty-first century spin on it, not to mention avoiding actual physical contact with her audience. She'd only be stripping online.

Amanda wasn't shy about her body, but she *did* want a choice about whose lap she danced in. She'd visited a couple of strip clubs with old boyfriends, and while some of the clientele had seemed perfectly normal, there'd been others she wouldn't have trusted to stuff a bill between her toes, much less anywhere higher.

Fortunately, Google really had been her friend. was a startup web host offering enough free space to get Amanda going in her new (and hopefully lucrative) career. Sure, she'd have to put up with a few annoying, flashy banner ads; and this particular outfit also required its users to test products for them, and to take surveys. But as long as Amanda could do it all anonymously, she was fine with that. Hell, she'd be better than fine if the website made her enough money to keep ahead of her tuition. She'd be ecstatic.

Besides, the product samples weren't just sex toys. There were shampoos, cosmetics, vitamin supplements, mp3's - all kinds of interesting things. Amanda thought she might actually enjoy using some of them. And hey, free was *always* good when you were in college.

Relieved now that she'd actually taken the first step, Amanda hummed along with the music while the POP software downloaded.

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