Saturday, August 9, 2014

I've just published a new e-book: "Couples Skate"

Behold Couples Skate, otherwise known as "How Did It Come to This?" That was its title on the EMCSA, when the story was full of Muse lyrics and other nods to my favorite band. I had to take they lyrics out, for obvious reasons; but everything else remains the same.

I must say that this story is the one I see as my most underrated. The mind control is softer than what I usually write, the MC'er isn't a total villain, and I snuck a lot humor and subtle beauty into the story.

I hope you'll like "Couples Skate" as much as I do. Here's the usual coupon code,to get you a 25% discount during the first month of sales: BX44B. And here's the synopsis:

Larry Szymanski is a pro hockey player who wants to break into show business, so he takes the most logical first step he can think of: joining a reality TV show. “Life Swap” pairs people from very different worlds, giving them two weeks to explore each other’s lifestyles to hilarious and (occasionally romantic) effect. Larry hopes he’ll be paired with a pretty young woman, but what he gets is a pretty young man: out-and-proud figure skater Jimmy DeVere. The partnership might work out all right if Larry can break him quickly, but Jimmy won’t break; he’s so tough that he doesn’t even seem human.

When Larry’s one-upmanship doubles the length of their agreement, he finds himself falling under the spell of someone who has more on his mind than just breaking Larry. Jimmy DeVere really isn’t human…but what is he, and what does he want from his helpless Life Swap partner?

This is a story of mind control and paranormal romance.

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