Sleepwalkers, Chapter 6

This is the "comments" page for Chapter 6 of Sleepwalkers, and here's the Peek Beneath the Duct Tape on this chapter.


magic9mushroom said...

Aw. I would have liked to see Charlotte's re-imprinting. It'd be interesting to see one where the imprintee was actually willing.

thrall said...

You're welcome to imagine it. ;-) But just like Aimee, I felt like Charlotte was entitled to a last moment of privacy.

Uzobono said...

*Really* awesome chapter :).

So..having absorbed *this* one, my thoughts :).

At the moment it's going "ok" for Paul and crew, though I still think there can't possibly be a good outcome as the odds are *way* stacked against them, and really it takes one slip up, having LeFebvre takes that load off Paul's back, but as a whole, well the entire world is against them.

Speaking of LeFebvre, I'm not *normally* a reader of MM, or most male POV really, I just can' get into the characters mindset mostly, *but* that scene didn't *read* like a MM, it was, like with Wizard and Shara, two people, the imprinter and imprintee, *so* well written :).

Charlotte...I knew that was coming, and it was a necessary evil, but I think in contrast to Hawthorne's control, *altruistic* control is the best for everyone (for example I doubt Charlotte would be made to do something she wouldn't do otherwise save for the nudity).

Wizard's scene was a heartbreaker, they *really* took away her "self", and it really was completely unnecessary. Which also reinforces *my* belief of how *not* worth Hawthorne is to be worshipped, to cure someone like Wizard only to have her put on a show of saluting for the most part.

*Hopefully* someone realizes how much they've actually *lost* by making Wizard a Level 2 and how much damage she could inflict if free.

Anonymous said...

Minor point of confusion - is General Blanca Ortiz male of female? Because it says "They exercised daily and groomed themselves in accordance with his commands", but "General Blanca Ortiz would not be pleased with this information, but she would be pleased that Genelle Russo had reported it to her."

All other points - this chapter is awesome. I loved seeing the team's science-y advances, and subvert Marie's POV and how she fantasizes about the team (I wonder if that's weird to them). And I really enjoyed her expressions of it - "She treasured them all so dearly that she wished she could put their pictures on her desk" - just that kind of depth of emotion there (huh. And now I'm wondering if that's dangerous to the team. Because they should be producing level 1's, but they're producing level 0's. Or does someone else do their imprinting?)

I also really liked the language for Genelle - mathematical good, while masturbating.

And Charlotte's sacrifice was so feels-heavy, and really had the tone of it, heroic sacrifice that it is, and Paul making sure to say she could never displease him was heart wrenching.

And ! for the solution for LeFebvre. It's kind of... the opposite of ironic, having someone's fetish fuel come to the rescue like this :)

Also it was cool to see two sides of the same thing - Genelle on how they keep prepared for their General, and then LeFebvre on getting the effects of that.

And ah - I maybe should have guessed that Genelle was being sent to Wiesen, but I didn't. So it was all ah! of course! when I figured it here when he was baiting Paul.

thrall said...

First, to Uzobono: I'm glad you appreciated LeFebvre's imprinting even though you're not normally into m/m. It sounds like you got just what I hoped people will get out of it.

Charlotte's situation is tragic, but you're right that the team won't abuse their power over her. She did what she had to do, and it's one of the bravest, most selfless things anyone in the story does. No one else had the courage to force a new imprint on her, so she took matters into her own hands.

Anonymous: You caught a boo-boo. I originally wrote Ortiz as male, then changed his/her gender but left a stray male pronoun behind. I've just sent a corrected version to Simon for inclusion in the next EMCSA update. Thanks for catching the error.

Marie's feelings for the team would definitely make them uncomfortable. They don't want to imprint anyone anyway, now that they're Awake; and they certainly don't want to be fawned over. They just did what they had to do, as gently as possible, to make her a subvert. She's a Zero, BTW, since she was imprinted by a free person - but because she is a Zero, she can fake being anything she likes, from free-minded right on down to Level Seven. She has all the initiative and creativity she had before she was imprinted, and her devotion to the team makes her an even better actor. They can trust her not to endanger them in any way.

I'm glad you liked the mathematical language for Genelle (and the reveal about who cured her MD), as well as my handling of Charlotte and LeFebvre's situations. There is indeed a lot of irony in what happens to him.