Saturday, May 16, 2009 that I've listened to the podcast

I've just listened to Lady Ru'etha's podcast about hypnotic mantras, and I see that I've been instinctively doing a lot of what she suggests even without having a formal name or framework for it. That doesn't really surprise me, because so many of my EMC explorations revolve around instinct, particularly my stories. I don't usually stop to think about why something I write is hot (well, hot for me, anyway - and I hope, for you); I just know it is, and that's good enough. Oh, I'm certain that I pick up tips subconsciously from other stories; but the point is, they are subconscious tips, for me. They bubble up from the part of my brain that doesn't analyze too deeply, the part that's at once more primitive and infinitely wiser than my conscious mind. That's what gives them their power.

But back to mantras. I see now that I've been using them all on my own, almost from the beginning of my hypnotic adventure. You can see one in the Vulcan script; if I gave you access to my Morning or Good Driver sessions (which I'm not - sorry), you'd see several more; and I'd already planned to use them in Mindwiped even before my happy discovery yesterday morning.

I'm really glad I listened to that podcast, as it will make me even more intentional about writing a script that leaves no lasting effects - and I was being pretty damn intentional about that already. But that's the thing about working from instinct: sometimes you miss something important. It pays to have access to a professional opinion.

Speaking of which, as Lady Ru'etha continues to be tied up with personal issues, I find myself with more and more questions, and fewer and fewer answers. If any professional (or alternately, amateur but extremely experienced) hypnotists and hypnotic subjects want to weigh in, I'd love to hear from you.

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