Friday, January 13, 2012

If only I spoke Swedish

I just found an article on my standby source for all things SF, io9, about a new Swedish TV show called Real Humans. It's all about robots, and the ads I've found make it look nicely fetishy. Let's start with this 30-second clip, which I found on the Real Humans website:

And here's the (decidedly darker) one I started with on io9:

If you follow the link to the Real Humans website, you can view several more 30-second ads by scrolling to the bottom of the page. For purely fetish purposes, it doesn't matter if you speak the language or not...but these ads do make me wish I knew Swedish and could see the show online.


still said...

I like it a lot. Do you know if it will be picked up by some tv channel outside Sweden?

thrall said...

If you've checked the io9 page and the Swedish website (Hint: Use Google Translate to see it in English), then you know as much as I do. But I suppose that if the show does well enough, it will get an American remake a la Ugly Betty or Being Human. Keep your fingers crossed.