Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jukebox Jealousy Continuing Unabated

So...Jukebox recently informed me that Lady Ru'etha had requested/encouraged/commanded him to move his hypnosis blog to a more accessible location. Heck, I didn't even know he had a hypnosis blog; but boy, does he ever!

Most of my own MC fiction is non-consensual, and most of it is pretty dark (though you have to admit, my heroines always do end up happy, one way or another). But my deepest personal fantasy is for a romantic, consensual relationship with a hypnodomme who knows all the best ways to push my buttons - and all the best ways to make them even more pushable. Lady Ru'etha seems to be just that for Jukebox.

As I've said before, I've never been hypnotized, myself. Oh, I've seen a few hypnosis stage shows, but I've always been too embarrassed to go up onstage...which is funny in a way, because under any other circumstances I'd have no problem speaking or performing in public. I just don't get stage fright. But succumbing to my fetish in public would be a little too close to stripping in public; and sorry, folks, but I'm just not that kind of gal. Never have been, not even in college. Besides, even if I did find the nerve to volunteer for a hypnosis show, I'm sure I'd be too self-conscious to go under.

Still, I dream about the kinds of experiences Jukebox describes in his blog. Thank goodness he describes them so vividly that I can almost picture myself in his place. In fact, in some ways his blog entries are even more appealing to me than most of the stories on the EMCSA, because they're real. He's actually getting to live out my fantasy.

As for me, I suppose I'll just have to be content with living it vicariously through him.

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