Sunday, November 1, 2009

Better, perhaps, than you've been led to believe

It seems to be an all-video weekend for far, anyway. Who knows what else I might think to post before Sunday's end? But in the meantime, there's this. Friday night I stumbled across a reference to The Cell, a surrealistic horror/crime drama starring the mind-boggling combination of Vince Vaughan, Jennifer Lopez, and Vincent D'Onofrio.

Now, despite what the critics said when it came out, I actually enjoyed this movie. A lot. For me, it captured the literally-anything-can-happen horror of a real nightmare, played intelligently with dream symbolism, and (highlight for a mid-level spoiler about the ending) [allowed the heroine to kill the bad guy entirely on her own]. And once my mind had turned back to the movie, I remembered a wonderfully kinky MC scene that occurs maybe a third of the way in.

A quick bit of background before I share the clip: Lopez plays a counselor who inserts herself into the dreams of catatonic patients - with only the aid of some sketchy technology since, appearances to the contrary, this is not a supernatural film. D'Onofrio is a serial killer who's fallen into a coma, and Vaughan is the detective who recruits Lopez to enter D'Onofrio's dreams so they can find his last victim before she dies. Unfortunately, "Catherine" ends up falling prey to the killer while in his mind, and he run some kind of psychological voodoo on her that brings her under his control. Thus, Vaughan has go "go in after her." Just remember what I said about the ending, okay? ;-)

Now, if you want to see how this scene plays out, here's the next bit - but be warned: it's pretty damn squirmy.

I really like Lopez's eyes during this second clip, where she's looking just a little upward: not enough to count as an eyeroll, but suggestive of one. Of course, me being me, I'd rather have had her eyes swirling with an oil-slick sheen rather than simply being black. Then, when she begins to cry, the oil slick could have washed away in her tears.

Still, that's just me; the scene is awesome exactly as it is. If only it could have gone on longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This so needs to come out on Blu-ray.