Saturday, February 14, 2009

Once again, Watchmen saves the day

Once again, I've been saved from wracking my poor, tired brain for a Saturday blog topic by the arrival of fresh Watchmen goodness. Look! Karnak! Dr. Manhattan on the moon! Rorschach in prison getting ready to whup some ass!* Matthew Goode looking, for the very first time, as if he just might possibly be able to convey the depth of Veidt's character (though I still can't help wishing Jude Law had taken the part). And the best part of this link is that even the dial-uppers can enjoy it; it's just pictures. Lots and lots of yummy pictures. :-)

But if you do have high-speed access, you'll also want to check out the new Black Freighter teaser trailer. Ooh, and look who they've got doing the narrator's voice! :-D

*Guess they're not making much of a secret of Rorschach's identity in the movie after all, judging by all the pictures I'm seeing lately of the character unmasked.

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