Last weekend, I had a delightful, um,
conversation with
Lady Ru’etha by phone. We’ve talked a few times since my visit last November, but we hadn’t had a chance to do any more trance play until Sunday night; and I, at least, was practically begging for it. I like to think Lady R was eager too, but of course I can’t speak for her. ;-)
Anyway, we agreed on a time to get together, and she came into the session with the idea that I’d want some robot play – not surprising, since I've made no secret of kinking that way. But I was browsing the sensual nudes of the
Yerbury website when she called, and (as I later realized) I also felt really self-conscious about doing the robot thing in front of someone else, even her. Isn’t that hilarious? After all the stuff I’ve posted on the EMCSA and this blog! After all the stuff I’ve done with Lady Ru’etha
in person already!
Well, I’m sure she could get me over my self-consciousness pretty quickly, but she was happy enough to go in another direction. Lady R is the kind of storyteller who can whip up a tale at the drop of a metaphor, and in minutes she had me dreaming I was wrapped in sensual vines, then sprayed with intoxicating pollen, then bitten on the neck (by what, I don’t entirely know, but we had been discussing vampires before the trance play began).
Of course, she made sure I knew she was the one who was controlling my bonds; and the scenario ended with the vines gone and me cradled in her lap: a lovely image, so rich with possibilities.
I won’t say much more about what went on during the play, but I will tell you this. After awhile, the feeling of being tied became so strong that my hands went up behind my head and crossed at the wrists. In fact, I ended up straining so hard against the imaginary vines that my biceps are still wobbly as I write this.
Oh, and if you’re wondering what happened to the phone while my arms were above my head, I had it cradled between my chin and shoulder…which probably explains why we got cut off at a couple of critical junctures. ;-) Fortunately, she called me right back, and I never broke trance.
I haven’t even had the chance to tell Lady Ru’etha about the arm thing yet, so I hope she’ll get a kick out of reading this entry. When she gives you a gift as fantastic as a personalized trance, you just naturally want to repay her. Part of
my repayment was my pleasure Sunday night, because being the cause of other people's pleasure pleases her. And part of my repayment is writing about the experience here. This entry is a tribute to Lady Ru'etha and to the awesome things she can do with a willing subject.
Okay, and yeah, maybe it’s a bit of serial recruitment, too. You never know. ;-)