Wednesday, August 19, 2009

a sneak peek at chapter three and a slight change of plans

Okay, folks, the first part of "My Very Own Serial Number," Chapter 3, is now online here. Remember, this isn't all of Chapter 3, just a teaser - but it ends on quite a lovely cliffhanger, if I do say so myself. ;-)

I'm still busily editing the rest of the story, and as I ran a word count last night, I realized that this chapter has become so long that it really needs to be split in two. Fortunately, there's a really nice break point almost exactly at the halfway mark.

So MVOSN is becoming a four-chapter saga instead of a three-chapter saga. I'm not sure at this point whether I'll send both remaining chapters off to Simon this week or only send him Chapter 3; it all depends on how much time I find to polish the remaining sections. But if Chapter 4 does have to wait another week, you can be sure I'll offer you another teaser.

1 comment:

Kate LBT said...

I agree with the lovely cliffhanger... totally ;)

Is there a word for something that TOTALLY turns you on but at the same time really scares you? I think a lot of the really good MC stories, really, do that, and this one is particularly good. It's playing with fire in every conceivable sense. Someone's going to get burned... but those flames are soooooo pretty.