Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lady Ru'etha weighs in, and Jukebox weighs in *again* :-)

I have to say, I'm really tickled to see all the commotion our little get-together has caused. ;-) And I also appreciate the care Lady Ru'etha and Jukebox have taken with what they've shared and what they've left to our readers' imaginations. After all, I might be a closet exhibitionist, but I'm also (somewhat to my dismay) a semi-decorous Southern belle. So, that being the case, I'll just say that an absolutely fucking incredible amount of fun can be had even when everyone keeps their clothes on. ;-P

If you're starting with my blog, Lady Ru'etha's post about the visit is here, and Jukebox's second post is here.

I'll try not to repeat anything the two of them have said; but Lady Ru'etha will be amused to know that not only didn't I realize when she began to actively guide Jukebox and me in our reinforcement game, but I entirely forgot the metronome she used during my first trance - and even half-forgot her using the pocket watch! Really, all I remember clearly about the first night's trances was lying in Jukebox's lap and actually feeling that golden cable running between us.

I do remember plenty about the non-trance moments, though, and I giggled to read in Jukebox's post that he actually noticed my head whipping back and forth and understood that I was trying to be polite! I would have sworn he was too deeply entranced (or fractionated when not in trance) to know what I was doing at all. ;-) But he knew a lot more than I thought he did, and not just about my perceptions. I guessed at some of what Lady Ru'etha was doing with the two of us, but not all of it.

I was very pleased with the collar and the neural net and the light-and-sound machine; but I can't think of anything to add about those bits at the moment. Maybe this weekend. I do plan to blog about "subliminal allies" on Saturday, anyway, so watch this space.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with one more amusing note. I had several hours of travel time to and from Chez Ru'etha, so I just shuffled all the songs on my mp3 player and let it do what it wanted. Well, apparently, what it wanted was to make me grin a lot - first in anticipation of what I was about to experience, and then in remembrance of what I had experienced. Here's a sample of its most grin-worthy offerings:

* "Zombie" by the Cranberries
* "Welcome to Paradise" by Green Day
* "Freak on a Leash" by Korn
* "Banditos" by the Refreshments (Stumped? Think about the first few lines of the song)

All in all, it was a great visit, and I can't wait to do it again!

1 comment:

Erin said...

"So just how far down do you want to go
And we could talk it out over a cup of joe
And you could look deep into my eyes
Like I was a super-model"

First four lines of Banditos by the Refreshments. :D

I cannot say how thrilled I am for you, thrall. Well done! May this be the first of many such experiences.