I also told him that I wanted to try changing my meds, since hypnosis seemed to be helping so much. He okayed me to experiment with replacing expensive Medication B with melatonin, and also prescribed a new drug for my restless legs.
I got both later that day and began experimenting that night. When I opened the melatonin bottle, the print across the safety seal read, "sealed for your protection." That gave me a smile, as I thought about my latex and total enclosure fetishes. In my mind, I could be sealed for my own protection. Or maybe someone else could be sealed for my protection. And that made me think of the Sorayama gynoid above. Now, there's someone who's sealed for everyone's protection. She's a battle-bot so fierce she needs restraining even in sleep mode.
I'm still not quite sure how the new medications are going to work out. The first few nights were great, but last night, not so good. Of course, that could be attributed, at least in part, to the fact that Lady Ru'etha called me shortly before bedtime. We had a nice chat, and then she dropped some hints that left my thoughts squirming and churning all night long (which was not her intent, of course, just my reaction). Some hints that will remain strictly between me and her. Sorry. ;-) Anyway, we'll see if I sleep any better tonight.
As for my other hypnosis projects...
1. I've become a much better driver since I started working on that issue via hypnosis. I haven't been able to induce actual arousal when I come to full stops at stop signs, but I have come to experience a deep satisfaction when I feel that last, little backwards rock. And I'm much more comfortable driving the speed limit now, and keeping my eyes peeled for everyone and everything around me.

3. Silver Robot is almost finished! My co-conspirator (whom I can now reveal to be Jukebox, in case anyone hadn't figured that out on their own yet) took a look at my female-POV scripts this morning and dashed out corresponding male-POV versions in less than two hours. Now I just need to test the wording to make sure everything flows well through the speech synthesizer, then come up with some sexy male robot images to use as subliminals. But while I'm doing that, does anyone know of a good place to host the zip files I'll be creating? I had planned to use my Yahoo/GeoCities webspace, but being free, it has limited bandwidth; so I'd need to put up some mirrors. And then Lady Ru'etha told me last night that GeoCities is folding later this year, so I'll definitely need another free host site down the line. Any advice, anyone?
Finally, just in general: one big lesson I've learned about writing suggestions for myself is that I can't make them too forceful. If I say, "You are going to do such-and-such," or "feel such-and-such," the odds are 50/50 that I won't. And if I don't, then I feel like a failure. It's much better to say, as Lady Ru'etha does in her mp3's, "You might experience such-and-such," or "You can let yourself do such-and-such, if you like." Now I understand why she does that.
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