Monday, April 6, 2009

Grrr, setback

Last night didn't go so well. I thought I'd successfully combined the three tracks I mentioned yesterday into one; but either I didn't do it right after all, or else I had the Virtual Hypnotist settings wrong. Anyway, when I went to try out my new customized mp3 at bedtime, I got several long seconds of silence and then a doubled mishmash of voices and music. But, having already taken Medication C, I knew my time was limited; so I went back to the Mary in Stadium version with the babble mp3 and spent several frustrating minutes trying to get the sound level right so I could have a good experience.

Of course, by then, there was no way I was going to have a good experience. When I finally crawled into bed, my thoughts were still whirling like mad, and I ended up having to take a dose of over the counter sleep aid on top of Med C, then run my customized Quick Deepener, before I could get to sleep.

At this point I'm thinking Med C might not do the trick after all, but then again, maybe I just need to use it under better circumstances. I'll have to try again once I get the three-track mp3 issue sorted out, and that will require more time than I have just now.

In the meanwhile, I'd welcome any feedback from anyone who knows more about Audacity or about hypnosis. I'm wondering if going under too many times during the day can keep you up at night, because I did spend a lot of time yesterday working on the Silver Robot program.

And yes, it is coming along very, very nicely. And yes, I will share it with all of you in the end. :-)


Blnkstr said...

Congratulations on the ongoing experiments, and good luck with getting all the settings and combinations properly sorted. And special thanks for sharing all these adventures with us. It's educational and fascinating and super-cool. :)

Erin said...

Hang in there hon. There will be setbacks but it sounds like overall, you're doing great. :)

EvilDolly said...

Hmm, well I've used the basic features of Audacity a lot in the past (though I'm no expert!) for transferring old cassettes to mp3 and for making a couple hypnosis tracks. I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, but it sounds like you have all the tracks starting at once. Assuming you have a row of several tracks in the window, they'll all be auto-aligned to start at 0:00, so you'll need to off-set them.

Say you want the second track to start up 5 minutes into the playback of the first track. You'd put the cursor at the beginning of the second track, go to Generate, and select Silence. That should insert about 30 seconds of silence before the track. Just keep doing that until you have 5 minutes of silence (fine tune it by cutting and pasting the 'line' in the track).

Though if you're just wanting the tracks to play one after the other, just copy all the audio from one track and past at the end of the first. Hope that helps.