Anyway, I started out with the idea of featuring some of the creepily lovely goth gowns I found by accident on Deviant Art, but you know how one thing leads to another, especially with my pinball machine of a mind. Suffice it to say that if you like creepily lovely goth gowns, there are plenty more in the galleries of the first two artists below.
At left is Lady-Dementia's Scream of the Butterfly. She and the second artist, LuneBleu (Her piece below is titled Misanthropic Alchemy) share both a friendship and artistic influences. In fact, I decided against the original pic I had in mind to represent Lady-Dementia's work because, as much as I liked it, I had to concede that one tentacular dress was probably enough for a single blog entry. However, if you're really interested in seeing the other tentacular dress, just click here.
I found these first two artists only recently, when I stumbled across an "article" that was really a picture list called Gothic Beauty. The third artist, on the other hand, is someone I've been watching for a long time. The quality of Spookeriffic's work varies hugely, and I'm sorry to say that most of her recent stuff is pretty awful; but when she's on, she's really on. Anyone who's hung around my blog long enough or read enough of my stories on the EMCSA understands why I chose Resist to share with you, but Spookeriffic has lots of other gems tucked away inside her gallery; you just have to hunt for them a bit.
Have fun!

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