Thursday, January 1, 2009

still spasming and 'gasming

Here are the latest goodies I've found on io9: two Watchmen videos I've never seen before, though one is quite old. Both offer all kinds of tantalizing glimpses of things we haven't seen elsewhere.

The older one is most notable for giving us our first glimpse of Rorschach unmasked (Warning to folks who haven't read the graphic novel: You really don't want this surprise spoiled, so either don't watch this video, or else close your eyes from the one-minute mark to the 1:22 mark. And yes, I promise you that Jackie Earle Haley is well-made-up enough that you probably won't recognize him in the movie even if you know his face).

The latter video, I'd say, is most notable for a) convincing us that chiseled Patrick Wilson really can pull off the dweeby look of a gone-to-seed Dan Dreiberg, and b) getting President Kennedy to shake hands with Dr. Manhattan.

Directly below are the two videos, oldest first (Again, that's the one with the unmasked Rorschach, so beware). And then, because I'm still in such a festive mood from the holidays - and because I have some time off work to devote to this kind of geeky shit - below the videos are eighteen stills from the two of them combined for those of you still consigned to dial-up. You're welcome. ;-)

Watchmen Exclusive

Dan DreibergComedian in Vietnam bar - note background figuresThe Comedian's StashThe Comedian's StashThe Comedian's Stashcomics-reading kid - note advertisementDan DreibergDan Dreibergat KarnakDr. ManhattanDr. Manhattan with President KennedyDr. Manhattan meets the pressMoloch the Mystic - note Rorschach behindPresident NixonPresident NixonOzymandias at Studio54Rorschach in front of defaced Nixon poster - note graffiti at rightRorschach unmasked

1 comment:

Erin said...

Wow, I'm finding myself growing cautiously optimistic about this one, thrall. Watchmen is one of my favorite graphic novels (fuck, it's Moore, how could it not be?) and like many, I thought it was unfilmable. It might be. But this director looks like he's going to come close to the mark.

Can't wait for it to come to NZ.